
Assisted Living Facilities Green Roof

Here at this assisted living facility in New York City, the architectural firm wanted something that was “nice and comfy” to walk on, while at the same time contribute to the design factor of the buildings envelope.

Their solution………..our 1 ¾ “thick “Pave-Land” series. An EPDM/TPV blended top was selected using 90% Cream/White and 10% Lt. Gray to help with USGBC-LEED points and credits as well as provide superior "energy star" and SRI rating for solar reflectivity.

Working with the specifier, green roof supplier and ourselves, we can up with a plan to water the other side of the vegetation, by running the tubes underneath our products in order to do so. This helped to create the design you see here as well as save time and money.

Let Unity help you design your next sustainable green roof project using our rubber paver system made from recycled materials.

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